Tag Archives: Organic

feeding the natural horse

eBOOK/PPF format by Gwenyth Browning Jones Santagate

… The changes observed were astounding. The mare recovered in just a few months and became her former, healthy, active (albeit older) self! This event was also another ‘connection’ to what the author had been seeking for the prior decade – WHY WERE HORSES GETTING SICKER AND SICKER and younger and younger ages even though their owners were spending thousands of dollars on providing “the best grain”, “the best veterinary care”, “the best medicines” that money could buy?

What was going wrong? 

In these pages you will read things that will make you really think if you are truly seeking answers to how to feed your horse … for his or her optimal health and wellness. You may even be seeking an answer to a health problem that your horse is experiencing. 
You’ll find some amazing information within this book that well may be YOUR answer.

ORDER: $27

Does Your horse suffer from … ems or ir?

Do you have a #horse with #EMS or IR? This is a great article on it …


RESVERATROL is “found in foods such as peanuts, pistachios, grapes, red and white wine, blueberries, cranberries, and even cocoa and dark chocolate. The plants from which these foods come make resveratrol to fight fungal infection, ultraviolet radiation, stress, and injury.” (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/diet-rich-resveratrol-offers-health-boost-201405157153)

:Good sources of Leucine-rich foods: Eggs, game, chicken, fish, seaweed, pumpkin, peas and pea protein, whole grain rice, sesame seeds, watercress, turnip greens, soy, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, figs, avocados, raisins, dates, apples, blueberries, olives and even bananas.

You can easily add these into your horse’s diet and not only save $$ but reduce or completely eliminate the chemical-ridden processed feeds!

If you’d like to know more, please CONTACT me.

EMS & more …

“What people also do not understand is that horses do not become metabolic from starch, but from feeds that are high in glycemic index- how fast the blood sugar spikes.”

That is a quote from someone last year when discussing a particular brand of horse feed that is organic and whole.  There was quite the debate about the WHOLE OATS and dried fruits, etc. that are in this feed.

I would reply, “What people also do not understand is that the glycemic index does NOT tell how fast the blood sugar spikes but how much sugar is in the feed.

The GLYCEMIC LOAD tells how fast the food rises the blood sugar.

“A food with a high GI raises blood sugar more than a food with a medium to low GI. But the glycemic index does not take into account the amount of carbohydrate in a food. So glycemic load is a better indicator of how a carbohydrate food will affect blood sugar.

It seems even the ‘experts’ are not aware of this.

For example, an apple has a Glycemic INDEX of 67!

Whoa — way higher than we’ve been told any metabolic horse should eat, right?

Well, the Glycemic LOAD is just ……. are you ready for this?


That’s right. 5.  In fact, apples are known to HELP REGULATE BLOOD SUGAR!

One CARROT has a glycemic index of  71!!!  BUT …

the GLYCEMIC LOAD is just —


Carrots and Apples are actually HEALING for horses when incorporated into a RAW FORAGE DIET!

Check out more articles on GLYCEMIC INDEX VS. GLYCEMIC LOAD HERE.


Well, simple … basically a salad! RAW greens, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables … ORGANIC, these days, are best.

A tailored ‘salad’ is best for horses that need nutritional and dietary help. There are specific ingredients that can help, specifically, with specific conditions like EMS, Cushings, IR, Arthritis, Heaves, Laminitis and more.

Please contact me if you’d like to learn more or are interested in how you can help YOUR HORSE get healthy again!



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Register here and allow 24 – 48 hours to receive your instructions to access your online, HOME STUDY course.

Cyber Monday Courses

Find out what herbs horse can eat,  their uses for health, deworming, wound care and more …

This is just a sampling of some of the beneficial herbs for horses –

  • Echinacea.
  • Calendula.
  • Plantain Leaf.
  • Peppermint Leaf.
  • Parsley Leaf.
  • Marshmallow Leaf.
  • Chamomile Flowers.
  • Lemon Balm.

What are they used for? When are they to be administered? How often? How much? What else can I use to help my horse?

Register today … and start learning more!

Offer ends this Friday, November 30th at midnite.

Cyber Monday Courses


That’s right!  50% OFF regular tuition fees.

Offer ends Friday Nov. 30th at Midnite.

All courses include personal attention and discussions via email or messaging –  As much as you need.

Each course contains 10 modules and incorporates recordings of LIVE classes to augment visual presentations.

Designed for the older teen and adult who wants to enhance their Equine knowledge or is looking to further their education as a solid base for the career minded.

(The Private Coaching is personally tailored to YOUR challenges with your horse. 4+ hours.)

Globally respected PENZANCE Certificates of Completion are awarded to those who complete all assignments, quizzes and exams successfully.

Just click below to register. Allow 24 – 48 hours for Instructions to be email to you on how to access your course(s).

If you’d like more information, please email to me:  gwen.santagate@gmail.com

Cyber Monday Courses

Thank you for choosing PENZANCE Equine Integrative Solutions for your Equine Studies!

I look forward to working with you.






What a funny word. Puts me in mind of tiny little cartoon buggies running around our guts.

Actually, did you know that we are MORE “buggies” (bacterial cells) than we are human cells?

The same applies to our horses.

So what, you ask?

I’ll tell you what — those microbiome buggies are the little critters that keep us healthy!

Over 80% of the immune system lies in the gut … in these little gut buggies. And THAT is a HUGE deal!

Our bodies and our horses’ bodies are full of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi. They are collectively known as the microbiome.

Some of the bacteria is related to diseases while others are extremely important to the immune system and overall health.

In fact, there are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells. There are roughly 40 trillion bacterial cells in your body and only 30 trillion human cells. That means you are more bacteria than human (1, 2).

In fact, there are up to 1,000 species of bacteria in the human gut microbiome, and each of them plays a different role in your body. Most of them are extremely important for your health, while others can and do cause disease.

In the hindgut of a horse, changes in the bacteria levels through dietary disruption, seasonal changes, stress, or age can lead to colic and laminitis, causing lameness or even death in severe cases. In this study, we profiled bacterial communities from fecal samples collected and submitted by horse-owners participating in the Equine Microbiome Project (EMP) and correlated differences in community structure with feed type, specifically horses eating exclusively hay, pasture, a hay-concentrate mix, or a combination of pasture, hay, and concentrate as reported in EMP metadata surveys.  –https://www.j-evs.com/article/S0737-0806(17)30256-3/abstract

So, I ask you – which kind of bacteria are you feeding YOUR HORSE? (Well, and yourself, too — after all, our horses needs their humans to be healthy in order to take care of them, right?)

A very wise man once stated, “All disease begins in the gut.” — Hippocrates

Well, that doesn’t include genetic diseases but we’re talking metabolics here.

Think of Cushings, Insulin Resistance, EMS, Auto-immune, Leaky Gut, and so many more chronic nasties. THESE are the types of diseases with which our domestic horses are challenged more and more each day.

This has a lot to do with the different gut bacteria residing in the digestive tracts, as well as the integrity of the gut lining (1).

According to numerous studies, unwanted bacterial products called endotoxins can sometimes “leak” through and enter the bloodstream (2).

When this happens, the immune system recognizes these foreign molecules and mounts an attack against them, resulting in a chronic inflammatory response (3).

Inflammation is the response of the immune system to foreign invaders, toxins or cell injury.

Suffice to say,  diet-induced inflammation has been shown to trigger insulin resistance, leptin resistance (causing obesity), fatty liver disease, and has been strongly linked to many of the world’s most serious diseases (4, 5, 6)

Without going into much more detail and totally bogging down our minds, suffice to say that, once again, Hippocrates was right when he said,

“Let thy medicine be thy food and thy food be thy medicine.”


So now, you know what MICROBIOMES are, how they affect your horses’ overall health (and your own). I guess the question now arises as to … do you want to learn more?

The key questions being … What are you gonna do now that you know this?

Ask me about my WHOLE HEALTH for the WHOLE HORSE protocol.

Don’t be shy. Email to me: gwen.santagate@gmail.com or even call me on the phone +1 860.556.9199  Let’s set up some time to chat further.




  • and more!

Questions? Just holler at me. Comment below or write to:  gwen.santagate@gmail.com

You may also call 1+ 860-556-9199.

Distant (Global) consults or Local to NE CT, USA.


PENZANCE – "God's Holy Headland. The place for spiritual growth."